Gay pride rainbow pictures

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He said: “It's not about putting down others views but putting forward the simple truth that you can be both Christian and gay, they aren't opposing each other. HIV blogger Michael Carchrie Campbell from east Belfast was representing gay Christian organisation Faith and Pride. It's the only day of the year my partner and I can walk the streets hand and hand without being looked on as freaks.” Sarah said: “To be here today, being proud of celebrating our union is just wonderful and we look forward to getting married when the laws change.”ĭrag queen Tranny Long Legs (42) from the Shankill Road area of Belfast said: “I love how friendly Pride is. pride abstract rainbow colorful paper background - gay pride background stock illustrations. abstract rainbow colorful layered background - gay pride background stock illustrations. Sarah James and Karla Mason from Belfast made a civil partnership commitment at Belfast City Hall on May 14. Browse 1,478 gay pride background stock photos and images available, or search for gay pride parade or pride rainbow to find more great stock photos and pictures.

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“He wanted equality for all, he was a great crusader for gay rights.” Receive today's headlines directly to your inbox every morning and evening, with our free daily newsletter.Įnter email address This field is required Sign Upĭenise said: “We hope that he is proud of us today, because he made us very proud. Daily Headlines & Evening Telegraph Newsletter

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